I felt good on the first climb and descent, the day was still cool and I was eating and drinking well. The second Climb my body started to fall apart and I was starting to have problems with food and any calories for that matter. I started to get better on the 7.5 mile downhill but that was short lived as we soon started climbing one of the biggest climbs of the day. By this point it was already super hot out and food wouldn't go down. so for about 8 miles I just suffered through and once I got through those 8 miles of pain I got to the aid station at mile 25 and was able to eat and drink a little bit. From there I felt good and ran along all the way to about mile 32 where the final climb begins. This was by far the toughest part of the race for me because of the eat and only being able to get in a few calories. But once I started the downhill and knew I was almost there I got sorta of revived and ran the downhill as hard as my tired legs would let me. It was such a great feeling to cross that finish line in 14th overall and sit down.
Thanks again Reese and Dakota for making this race so much fun.